Tatarstan and Russian Ministry of economic development sign agreement on cooperation in foreign economic sphere

31 October 2012, Wednesday
Agreement on cooperation in foreign economic sphere has been signed between the Russian Ministry of economic development and the Tatarstan Government in Moscow.

The document was signed by Chief of the Russian Ministry of economic development Andrei Belousov and President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

Signing of the agreement was held during the session of the Russian Ministry of economic development “Formation of new image of trade representations of the Russian Federation in foreign states”.
The agreement implies rendering of administrative, information and consultative support on the part of the Russian Ministry of economic development, including attraction of Russian trade representations in foreign states.

The document also stipulates development of the plan of measures for doing business abroad, and assistance of the Russian Ministry of economic development in negotiations.

Similar agreements were signed with other Russian regions and largest Russian companies, including OJSC KAMAZ.

Agreements are to favour expansion of trade and economic relations among regions, companies and foreign countries. The mechanism of facilitating trade representations in solving problems faced by Russian regions at foreign markets will be worked out under the agreements.
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