The budget of the Russian Federation in 2014, will receive about 40 billion rubles from the sale of licenses for minerals

17 October 2013, Thursday
Federal budget revenues from the sale of licenses for the development of mineral resources in Russia in 2014 will amount to about 40 billion rubles, according to the Russian Deputy Finance Minister Tatyana Nesterenko, speaking at a meeting of the State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxation .
"We have everything to do with the sale of licenses for minerals on the territory of the Russian Federation - it is  40 billion rubles, and they are taken into account ," - said Nesterenko .

According to her, in the report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation  such data stated unaccounted in fiscal revenue . The Chamber also drew attention to the absence in the draft budget revenues from the sale of licenses for the development of the shelf.
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