Special account to help the relatives of those who died in a plane crash "Boeing", which occurred on November 17 at the international airport "Kazan" was opened

18 November 2013, Monday
In connection with the crash of the aircraft "Boeing" , occurred November 17, 2013 at the international airport "Kazan" , in the Republic of Tatarstan opened a special account to raise funds to relatives of those killed in the crash. All who are willing to help , may transfer funds to the account of the Foundation " Ak Bars CREATION" , 420066 , Kazan, ul.Meridiannaya , 1a . Details of the Foundation " AK BARS CREATION " : BIN 1061600052425 INN / KPP 1658079690/165701001 p / s 40703810100020000999 in OJSC " AK BARS" Bank BIC 049205805 Correspondent account 30101810000000000805 purpose of payment " victims of the crash ."
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