The average price for Urals oil in 2013 decreased by 2.4% - to $ 107.88

9 January 2014, Thursday
The average price for Urals oil in 2013 is amounted to 107.88 dollars per barrel, down by 2.39 % to 110.52 dollars recorded in 2012, said Alexander Sakovich .

The average price for Urals oil in December last year was 109.88 dollars per barrel compared to 108.33 dollars a year earlier.

The Ministry of Economic Development  has finalized the forecast of average price of Urals oil in 2013 - to 107.5 dollars per barrel. The average price for Russia's main exports - Urals oil has been gradually declining since August last year , but still was higher than originally budgeted  - $ 97 per barrel .
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