August 15, 2014 in Tatarstan introduced 1.45 million. Sq. m. housing, or 60.4% of the annual target

16 August 2014, Saturday
Within the framework of control in the field of occupational safety from the beginning of 2014 by the Inspectorate of State Construction Supervision of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted 624 inspections. Violation of the rules and safety standards issued 322 decisions on the total amount of 11 million. 751 thousand. Rubles, including the objects of investment housing - 115 decisions on the amount of 4 million. 907 thousand. Rubles and objects of social mortgage - 11 decisions on the amount of 180 thousand. rubles. This was announced at the national meeting of the House of the Government of RT Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin.
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