Protocol of Agreement on cooperation between Karelia and Tatarstan Government for 2015 – 2017 signed
16 February 2015, Monday
A Protocol of Agreement on trade-economic, scientific-technical, social and cultural cooperation between Karelia and Tatarstan Government for 2015 – 2017 was signed in Petrozavodsk. The document was signed by Head of Karelia Alexander Khudilaynen and Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov.
The agreement itself was signed in July 2014, when Alexander Khudilaynen visited Kazan.
The Protocol contains more than 60 clauses in the sphere of trade-economic and investment activity, transport, agriculture, construction, housing and utilities, education and science, culture, sport and youth policy, tourism, employment and social protection, health care, informational support and communications, environmental protection and rational nature use, forestry and local self-government. The signed documents imply exchange of experience and establishment of mutually beneficial contacts.
In the sphere of agriculture Tatarstan is interested in supplies of Ayrshire young breeders, trout farming technologies and processing of wild berries. Big opportunities are open for Petrozavodsk state university and Kazan federal university. Tatarstan sportsmen are welcome at sailing regatta “Onego” and auto rally.
Karelian and Tatarstan tour operators will take part in promotional tours organized in the republics. Also, Karelian doctors will come to Tatarstan for training at the Center of high medical technologies.
Heads of the two regions consider establishment of contacts, increase of supplies between Karelian and Tatarstan enterprises, and realization of joint projects to be the main areas of cooperation.
Tatarstan President's Press Office. Using materials of Press Office of Karelian Government
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