Russia may cancel travel vouchers, because they, in fact, no longer needed for the tax report.
And also can extend to 5 days delivery dates tax reporting, and up to 20 in electronic form. Self-regulatory organization of service tax consultants also will be created . It can be accessed by all taxpayers.
All of these measures is in the "road map" to improve tax administration, which is developed by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) in the framework. Yesterday, the paper was presented to journalists.
The lighter and easier administrative procedures, the greater the tax collection by broadening the tax base, - said Deputy Federal Tax Service Daniel Egorov. "By reducing the cost of overhead, - he said - companies increase financial performance, which leads to a higher level of profit." Despite the fact that many of the points presented by ASI "tax plan" FTS has already implemented, to work, "having the card on hand" is certainly more convenient, Yegorov said.
It is planned that the work on the map will begin in 2013 and will be completed - in 2014. Total scheduled 80 tproblem spots. And for each value is a clear date of execution, the director of development partner network ASI Alexander Pirozhenko.